templates/juki/HitsoCommonBundle/Front/HomePage/features.html.twig line 1

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  1. <!-- hr -->
  2. <div class="section-hr"></div>
  3. <!-- features -->
  4. <section class="features">
  5.     <div class="features__header section section--center">
  6.         <h2 class="section-title section-title--h1">
  7.             Main features in our platform
  8.         </h2>
  9.         <p class="section-lead">
  10.             Hitso has few new extra features which will make your work easier
  11.         </p>
  12.     </div>
  13.     <div class="features__content">
  14.         <div class="features__text_boxes">
  15.             <div class="features__text_boxes-row">
  16.                 <div class="text_box">
  17.                     <img class="section-ico" src="{{ asset('juki/img/content/ico-4.svg') }}"/>
  18.                     <strong class="section-title section-title--h2">
  19.                         Flexibile & responsive
  20.                     </strong>
  21.                     <p class="section-lead section-lead--small">
  22.                         It is difficult to guess what kind of project we will have to build “tomorrow”. The architecture and the
  23.                         rules regarding how all CMS components are joined together.
  24.                     </p>
  25.                 </div>
  26.                 <div class="text_box">
  27.                     <img class="section-ico" src="{{ asset('juki/img/content/ico-5.svg') }}"/>
  28.                     <strong class="section-title section-title--h2">
  29.                         Standardization & simplicity
  30.                     </strong>
  31.                     <p class="section-lead section-lead--small">
  32.                         Considering the character of the interface we are actually designing a library of template elements (UI
  33.                         Kit), rather than a list of specific sub pages.
  34.                     </p>
  35.                 </div>
  36.             </div>
  37.             <div class="features__text_boxes-row">
  38.                 <div class="text_box">
  39.                     <img class="section-ico" src="{{ asset('juki/img/content/ico-6.svg') }}"/>
  40.                     <strong class="section-title section-title--h2">
  41.                         Live content editing
  42.                     </strong>
  43.                     <p class="section-lead section-lead--small">
  44.                         Adding new content was never that simple, you see the final effects of your work immediately. WYSIWIG as you
  45.                         know it is now in the past.
  46.                     </p>
  47.                 </div>
  48.                 <div class="text_box">
  49.                     <img class="section-ico" src="{{ asset('juki/img/content/ico-7.svg') }}"/>
  50.                     <strong class="section-title section-title--h2">
  51.                         Pixel perfect
  52.                     </strong>
  53.                     <p class="section-lead section-lead--small">
  54.                         We based the system on Symfony 3 and React, the newest web application production technologies, which
  55.                         significantly increase their efficiency.
  56.                     </p>
  57.                 </div>
  58.             </div>
  59.         </div>
  60.     </div>
  61.     <div class="features__footer">
  62.         <a href="/documentation" class="features__footer-cta btn btn--primary">Show full documentation</a>
  63.     </div>
  64. </section>